Thursday, June 4, 2015

How Our School Has Changed

I believed our improved technology art school without walls has made us a more academically efficient school. Those who need their work to be revised by a teacher can go through the process a lot easier by sharing documents on Google Drive. It was also easier to go deeper when learning things because of the ability to Google relevant topics. Students also loss the ability to blame untyped papers on the lack of access to a computer. But the abundance of technology has probably also made us more dependent of information obtain from the internet. Of all the research papers written this school year, most of the information came from a website, rather than a book. I would guess about 90% of the information. I know that's how it was for my research paper. An the document i used was also from the internet. But librarys suck. There always mad people there, surrounded by an awkward silence. And the last time i went to a library it was closed, for no reason I knew. I never went back their.

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