Thursday, June 4, 2015


At the end of the year, I believe the DS1 class was very simple and easy. The only difficulty is finding stuff to write about, which I'm never good at. But the assignments were simple to do, when there wasn't a weird problem that you couldn't fix, like no being able to turn in an assignment because there wasn't a "Turn In" button. Or not getting a copy of assignment that I can write on or edit. I believe next year's class of DS1 students will be able to complete the tasks assigned, unless they all disregard the class. I believe we should have learned how to fix more problems such as a student forgetting their password, and how to reset it.

Next Year

I believe next school will be very similar to this one if we get the same technological devices we did this year. The only difference will probably be the fact the the devices will be needed and used more often since our classes will be more difficult, and there'll be more we don't know and things we know and don't understand. I also think the technology will be more organized since our school will have a previous year of experience with Chromebook carts and iPads. I think one problem we may have next year is more students will want to take their iPads home since there will be more rigorous classes with more work. More people taking iPads home means a higher chance of something wrong happening. But I trust our students. Most of them.


In my opinion, creating a tutorial is simple. The only difficulty is dialogue. This is because you want to explain everything so every who watches it will be able to complete the intended task, but you don't want to over explain things everyone know, and or make a tutorial that's too long. A tutorial cannot be over 2 minutes, unless your explaining something complicated like origami. And you have to know your audience. A teacher will probably not watch a long tutorial but may not know the basics, which is ironic because it was their generation who saw technology evolve.  A student won't sit still to watch a 5 minute tutorial that explains everything knows. In the end you have to come up with a balance of length and explanation that's good for your audience.

How Our School Has Changed

I believed our improved technology art school without walls has made us a more academically efficient school. Those who need their work to be revised by a teacher can go through the process a lot easier by sharing documents on Google Drive. It was also easier to go deeper when learning things because of the ability to Google relevant topics. Students also loss the ability to blame untyped papers on the lack of access to a computer. But the abundance of technology has probably also made us more dependent of information obtain from the internet. Of all the research papers written this school year, most of the information came from a website, rather than a book. I would guess about 90% of the information. I know that's how it was for my research paper. An the document i used was also from the internet. But librarys suck. There always mad people there, surrounded by an awkward silence. And the last time i went to a library it was closed, for no reason I knew. I never went back their.


Gravity is probably the biggest problem when handling technology. Other than carelessness, recklessness, and a absolute lack of care. And the weirdest thing is when you drop things you'l  never know if it'll be broken or not. Sometime when you drop things of something high its completely fine. Then you drop something from a low spot, or on something soft, the screen is shattered. I haven't seen anyone drop their iPad, even though I've seen a few cracked screens, and have almost dropped my own. I've dropped my phone before. And it already has a crack on it, that didn't come from it falling. It might be the type of glass. I know iPhones have a different glass. Or at least i believe so. iPhones crack a lot easier than Android phones. Chromebooks don't crack. The screen is like a strong, durable plastic. Which is great.