Thursday, March 26, 2015

Central Office

Last Thursday, Pete took me, Christeva, and Marckly, to the central office building to scan 10 Chromebooks into a spreadsheet, so DS1 students could take them home. (So if you have a personal Chromebook, you know who to thank). The scanning process was pretty easy once we got situated. Just like how a librarian scans books, I had the job of scanning the service tag bar code. Then I imputed the names and the 890 numbers of those students in to the spreadsheet. I did most of the work.
*cough* *cough*

The building itself is a plain building that you would probably just ignore going through downtown. It looks normal, and like the rest of the buildings. The floor with the technology personnel is somewhat strange. Its the basement. There's a hallway and a few rooms, one of which contains cubicles where the RCSD technological personnel completes a large percent of their work. Inside a few of the cubicles were a pile of some technology devices. I believe one of the cubicles was full of Chromebooks. The only space clear from Chromebooks, was a path to the chair and space for the chair to spin. That seems like a lot of hard work. There's also a shelf that says something like stuff needing repair, and there's devices there. But overall, for all of our technology to cycle through that one basement, it is pretty neat and organized.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


How did I start a blog without introducing myself and my goals? Sorry. I Larry M. Williams III, am an 11th grade student at School Without Walls. I get good grades and am a diligent worker, if I'm not extremely tired. And I like technology and interacting with people. The Help Desk is a great way to combine both, and help other people, while the Digital Solutions class is a great way to learn how to do so. By the end of the year, my main goal is to be able to say I've given assistance in nearly every classroom in our school. I've already helped in a few classrooms, assisting a few teachers and students. Not to say I'm famous, but I'm well known and a lot of people come to me for help. Helping them boosts my reputation and credibility, thus creating more clients. I believe with my outgoing and helpful personality, I'll be able to spread help and knowledge to nearly everyone.


Which is better??

 So far, in the 2014 - 2015 school year, our school under went a change that increased the technology available to the students. 2 iPad carts for juniors, 4 Chromebooks carts with 25 laptops each, and new computers in each classroom. With a variety of options many people have different preferences. iPads is a mobile technology with a flat keyboard and a bright glass screen, but it doesn't have features like Adobe Flash such as the Chromebooks do. It's also easier to write essays on the larger keyboard . And for the computers, they're huge screen is good for watching videos and seeing larger images. But there's negatives to everything. What would happened if you dropped an iPad? A cracked screen and bleeding fingers to go with it. Or will you send it to central central office? And wait. The same for a Chromebooks. A paper falls, you just pick It up and start again, but what if your pencil breaks or pen dies out? You're technology can be slow, and you'll be stuck waiting. But in the end it's good to have updated technology. You can't Google anything with paper. Personally, I prefer an ipad or a Chromebooks. They're small and portable. Plus I don't have to be able spell everything correctly because of the spell check feature. And if I have a question I can Google it, without wasting time and interrupting the teacher.